HUSTLE + hush Energy Map Workshop

Be guided in a process of understanding yourself at your best, mapping out where you are right now + setting intentions for what’s ahead with one of our most popular wellbeing workshops…

Monthly wellbeing workshop

Are you or your team currently:

  • Exhausted from being “always-on”, paddling furiously to stay afloat in a sea of inboxes and 24/7 notifications

  • Struggling to sustain a positive, high energy presence after months of this “new normal”

  • Out of touch with how you’d like to be showing up

  • Bemused about the notion of rest and reflection - sceptical of why it’s needed, uncertain how to fit it in and uninspired about what form it could take

  • Curious about how the events of the past few years have impacted you

In this 2-hour interactive group reflection session, we will:

  • Pause and take stock of where you are right now, what you’re feeling, how you’re spending your energy

  • Map this out visually with a simple tool, to understand the impact of how you are currently spending your energy. Do you over/under index in any areas? Is it largely positive or negative energy? Does it require a lot or a little from you? Are there spaces to re-energise and rest?

  • Learn about the importance of pulsing our energy between HUSTLE and hush zones, to avoid burnout and survival modes.

  • Get inspired about ways to hush that feel relevant and resonant for you; to rest, recharge, reflect and re-energise.

  • Set intentions or commit to adjustments/amendments to seek balance for your month ahead.

  • Hear from a supportive group of peers, about how it feels for them right now and in breakout rooms with small groups, support each other to explore each step of the process.


Book a Bespoke Team Session

Want to know more about what’s involved with Tee leading an Energy Map workshop for your team? Ready to book in a call to find out more?

Why not fill in the form below and Tee will email you back.


About Tee, Millennial Leadership Coach and Founder of HUSTLE + hush:

I’m Tee and I want to empower you to HUSTLE smarter and hush deeper. I’m on a mission to enable millennial leaders to bring out the best in themselves and those around them. I get a real joy from (and have a talent for) holding space for others to get curious about themselves, connect to their true potential and emerge confident, courageous and capable of change.

As a serial-achiever, HUSTLE has been a key word in my vocabulary since my high school basketball coach drilled it into me as a means of working smart, hard and having fun. It wasn’t until I launched my own business in 2017, that I realised how key it was for me to not only have periods where I was “on” HUSTLING smart but also time where I was allowing myself to hush more deeply as well. I really believe as humans we’re not machines that are made to be always on, rather we’re designed to pulse our energy.

I try to regularly take stock and assess whether my schedule is set-up in a way that supports my own personal ratio of HUSTLE and hush activities and reap the benefits when I’m aligned and in balance. I need each to support the other. This has been EVEN MORE important since returning from maternity leave and juggling childcare with my husband as we both work from home during lockdown.

This process of checking in with myself, mapping out where I am right now and intentionally making commitments to optimise how I show up for myself and those around me, is a practice I do with myself, my family, my clients and my group mentoring circles. Join me for a monthly session at the end of the month to see for yourself...