One foot in front of the other. The physical and mental benefits of your humble local walk in a time of lockdown.

For a lot of us, it used to be that we spent very little time at home, amidst our busy lives dashing here and there. Commuting, working, socialising, exercising, running errands. Now we find ourselves here almost permanently, with just a few genuine reasons to walk out the front door and leave the house. One of these, is for a daily patch of exercise.

Alongside the current UK governmental guidance on social distancing, is the advice to stay mentally and physically active during this time. It’s recommended we try and exercise at home, or if suitable for our circumstances, we can also go for a walk or exercise locally outdoors if we stay more than 2 metres from others.

Rather than a feeling that we’re “just” walking, I was curious to uncover the surprising, hidden benefits to a humble neighbourhood stroll…

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International Women's Day 2020: 10 Inspirational Quotes on Leadership from Millennial Women

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2020, HUSTLE + hush has pulled together 10 of our favourite quotes on leadership from millennial women leaders including Jacinda Ardern, Cleo Wade, Rupi Kaur, Whitney Wolfe Herd and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

A curated selection that advocates for strength via empathy, compassion, connection, collaboration, generosity, vulnerability and support for those around us.

To select these International Women’s Day 2020 quotes, our definition of a millennial is someone born between 1980 and 1994.

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Write your own damn development plan - 5 ridiculously easy ways to take charge of your growth + learning

For something that’s worth more to us than a payrise or Christmas bonus, it’s too important to leave our learning and development (L&D) in the hands of someone else who doesn’t have your learning and development as their number one priority. Take charge of your own growth, with these five ridiculously easy ways to inject your own blend of L+D into your career…

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